What is the location of stolen vehicles?
A high-end vehicle is susceptible to being stolen whether it belongs to a private individual for own use, or to a company’s fleet. The reasons are innumerable: personal enjoyment, smuggling, participation in a robbery, illegal racing,…; likewise, so are the techniques used for theft: a false rent that is never returned, a sale with a bad check …; as well as the places where it can happen: the public highway, a private residence, or even in private car parks of rental companies.
Faced with this circumstance, insurance companies usually request the service of locating a vehicle from a private detective, since the investment for its recovery can be much lower than the value of the vehicle that, because it belongs to high ranges, can be insured for its original value in the event of theft.
Advantages of hiring a private detective to locate stolen vehicles
Currently, high-end vehicles usually include among their benefits the possibility of locating them via GPS. Therefore, it may seem that your recovery should be relatively easy. However, our experience shows us that by the time the vehicle is located, it is usually already in a foreign country or even in transit to its final destination. In this sense, Spain is a country of transit for vehicles to Africa, therefore rapid action is essential for the recovery of the vehicle. Consequently, the person interested in the recovery of the vehicle depends entirely on the effectiveness of the authorities of a foreign country, who may not have enough time to follow up, or on the fact that chance allows the stolen car to be located in a routine control.
This is when the private detective intervenes. Attending the clues provided by the client, usually located abroad, and other additional clues that the detective can obtain using his own techniques, the whereabouts of the vehicle will be located which, as we pointed out before, may be abandoned or hidden, or in transit to another place. After locating it, the private detective will alert the relevant local authorities and, without losing track of the vehicle, will await the arrival of said authorities to proceed with its recovery.